Atlantis High – Characters
Giles Gordon – A kind-hearted “nerd” and the new kid in town – Giles lived a normal life but everything changed when Giles moved to Sunset Cove with his mother, Dorothy, and started attending Atlantis High. Bright, funny, anxious – always a fish out of water. He is the narrator in the series and a voice of sanity in an uncertain world…
Octavia Vermont – Giles is captivated by his classmate, Octavia, who is a vision of loveliness to him. Seemingly perfect in every way, she is also very enigmatic. Does she represent the Head Boy, Josh Montana? Or is she really a double-agent for the mysterious “Q”? Octavia has a brilliant intellect and is skilled in music, science, foreign languages, sports, literature. How can a girl at high school know so much about so much? And is there a chance she really is attracted to Giles Gordon? Giles certainly hopes so…
Josh Montana – the head boy at Atlantis High, Josh is a rival to Giles for the affections of Octavia. Square-jawed, clean-cut, handsome, a brilliant surfer – and a rebel with a cause. Very popular with the girls at the school, Josh knows it and is unable himself to pass a mirror or reflection without pausing in admiration. By night he is a superhero crimefighter with pink clothes and flowing cape known as the Silver Lining. Or is he…? One thing is certain – Josh is attracted to Octavia Vermont and will do all he can to make her his, and this leads to competition with Giles Gordon.
Sophie May – Bubbly and vivacious, Sophie is a well-meaning happy airhead – and quite ditzy. With her infectious giggle she befriends Giles – but other students keep their distance from her. She has another side to her – Sophie seems to have psychic powers and when she becomes anxious or upset, objects start floating around and some very odd things begin to occur around her… Sophie also claims to have had later on an alien encounter and she becomes obsessive over Giles Gordon, who does not share her interest. Many residents of Sunset Cove are also puzzled by Sophie’s toy rabbit, Mr Fluffy Muffin…

Beanie – A kid with weird ears, Beanie befriends but also disturbs Giles and there is something about him that is literally out of this world. Beanie has a habit of searching the skies and drawing flying saucers, which he claims to see in his dreams… will Giles ever discover the mystery surrounding Beanie? Beanie does not know his own origins and doesn’t fit in with the other kids around – but he develops an attraction for the feisty Jet Marigold.

Jet Marigold – With an explosive temper and prone to overreact to the slightest antagonism, Jet stands out with her blue wacky hair and outrageous fashion. Could her irritability stem from the junk and processed food she adores? Jet has a vivid imagination and is quite paranoid at times, thinking up wild conspiracy theories and she feels it is up to her to solve them… Jet gradually finds herself attracted to none other than Beanie, whom she correctly describes as “one in a billion”…
Sabrina Georgia – Uptight and upfront, Sabrina is very catty and scathing to her fellow students. She is possessive of head boy Josh Montana – and detests Giles for his lack of style, taunting him as an “attention seeker”. Sabrina adores fashion and always does her best to look good – she wears the trendy “reb-elz coolwear” and is an influential – and unpredcitable – member of the high school. Her love of fashion is matched only by her love of money and wealth – and she will do what she can to capture the richest catch in town, Josh Montana – even if it requires dressing up as a supervillain?
Mr Dorsey – The science teacher at Atlantis High, Mr Dorsey has a love of science yet behaves strangely – and has a fondness for mice and rodents. Sometimes his eyes seem to turn green… Is he a brilliant scientist retained by a third world power – or does he work for another organisation on another planet? Why does he gaze into the stars and reminisce about a “lizard family” and what is the significance of his fondness for the star system Fenorg? Is he a force for good or bad?
Antonia and Anthony – Among Giles’ classmates are Anthony and Antonia; Anthony is macho and assertive. – Antonia is wacky and feminine. They both look very similar – and are never seen together at the same time… They are attracted to each other and are apprently going steady. But some believe they are in fact one and the same person, locked in some multi-dimensional parallel universe?